WELCOME! I hope that as you browse through the picture portfolio of home improvement projects completed by Honey-Doo, you will get inspired to get started on your own home "to-do" items. Please feel free to post your comments and questions about your home "to-do" items. I would be happy to share my ideas with you. --- Click on any picture to enlarge. --- Rich Wagner, Honey-Doo Handyman --- 630-513-xxxx Office --- 630-334-9997 Cell --- rrichwagner@hotmail.com

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Fireplace Hardwood Surround/Marble Hearth - After Posted by Hello

The new surround & mantel pictured here is made of popular hardwood. The originally exposed black metal firebox trim is dressed up with marble tile. A leveling product was used to produce a level and matching marble hearth. The new surround is painted to match the exising room trim. Since the plan was to paint the surround & mantel, popular wood was used. However, any hard wood could be used (oak, mahagony etc) and stained to match an existing decor.

Prior to this fireplace face lift (please see the BEFORE picture), an old beat up unimaginative pine wood surround covered the fireplace. Black metal was exposed around the firebox. An uneven slate/grouted hearth dated this fireplace too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the looks of the finished project. My current fireplace just has old tile around it and for the hearth area. I have two questions:

Are there other surround/mantel styles and how would I be able to "preview" or make a selection?

Approximately what would a job like this cost?

I guess that's three questions.

Nice use of the Blog Spot.


1:41 PM

Blogger Rich Wagner said...

Ron -- Thanks for your interest. Regarding your questions:

Yes, a number of fireplace mantel/surround options can be created. To help customers "preview" these options, I collect neat fireplace designs and keep them in a file to share. I also encourage folks who are comtemplating a new fireplace surround to find an "inspirational" picture of a surround design they like.

The pricing part to your question is tricky based on the many styles/sizes of a fireplace surround. But I can tell you the design you see pictured came in at approximately $2700 and included the removal of the old surround.

11:26 AM


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